Google AdSense: 4 Alleged NEGATIVE OFF-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors


4 Alleged NEGATIVE OFF-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors

4. Alleged NEGATIVE OFF-Page SEO Google Ranking Factors (13)
OFF-Page SEO Factors
Brief Note
Traffic Buying Have you paid a company for web traffic? It is probably low quality traffic, with a zero conversion rate. Some providers of traffic for traffic's sake may be considered "bad neighborhoods". Can Google discount your traffic (for true popularity), because they know it's mostly phony?
Have you read about Traffic Power?
Temporal Link Analysis In a nut shell, old links are valued, new links are not.
This is intended to thwart rapid incoming link accumulation, accomplished through the tactic of link buying.
Just one of the sandbox factors.
Change of Meanings Query meaning changes over time, due to current events
Zero links to you You MUST have at least 1 (one) incoming link (back link) from some website somewhere, that Google is aware of, to REMAIN in the index.
(Very good IF you don't get caught,
but don't do it -
when caught, the penalty isn't worth it.)
Google patent - Google hates link-buying, because it corrupts their PR model in the worst way possible.
1. Does your page have links it really doesn't merit?
2. Did you get tons of links in a short time period?
3. Do you have links from high-PR, unrelated sites?
41, 42
Prior Site Ranking Google patent - High = Good
Cloaking Google promises to Ban! (Presenting one webpage to the search engine spider, and another webpage to everybody else.)
Links from bad neighborhoods, affiliates Google says that incoming links from bad sites can't hurt you, because you can't control them. Ideally, this would be true.
However, some speculate otherwise, esp., when other associated factors are thrown into the mix, such as web rings.
Penalties - resulting from
Domain Hijacking
(work with Google to fix)
Should result in IMPRISONMENT, forthwith!
Grand Theft, mandatory minimum sentence.
The criminal COPIES your entire website, and HOSTS it elsewhere, with . . . a few changes.
Penalty - Google TOS violation WMG is the worst offender - gobbles up tons of Google server time by nervous Nellie webmasters. Google even mentions them by name. I think that Google will spank you when you cross the threshold, of say, 100 queries per day for the same term, from the same IP. Google can block your IP. Get a Google API.
Server Reliability - S/B >99.9% What is your uptime? Ever notice a daily time when your server is unavailable, like about 1:30 AM? How diligent must Googlebot be? This is the worst reason to get dropped - you just aren't there! An ISP maintenance interruption can cause delisting..
No more room
Pages being dropped from large sites
The 232 problem - Google has hit the 4.3 Gigabyte address space wall. Bull! Google now has over 8 Gigs of indexed pages.
Thousands of pages are disappearing from various huge websites, but I think that it is G just cleaning house, by dumping computer-generated pages.

Rank Manipulation by
Competitor Attack

(1. Content theft causing you to get a duplicate content penalty, even though your content is the original - Google has problems tracking original authorship. People are still stealing my content, but nobody trumps me (in Google) with my own content - hats off to Google.)
Examples -
Site-Wide Link Attack
302 Redirect Attack
Hijacker Attack
Impossible by Google definition (except for a few nasty tricks, like making your competition appear to be link spammers)
Ideally, there SHOULD be nothing that your competition can do to directly hurt your rankings.
However, an astute observer noticed that Google changed their website to read :
Old verbiage = "There is nothing a competitor can do to harm your ranking ..."
New verbiage = "There is ALMOST nothing a competitor can do ..."
An obvious concession that Google thinks that at least some dirty tricks work!

Of course, there will always be new ones!
Bouncing Ball Algorithm

At least 2, and often 3 identifiable Google Search Algos are currently in use, alternating pseudo-randomly through the data centers.
G has moved to a daily dance. Multiple changing factors are applied daily. GOOD LUCK NOW on trying to figure things out!

IN ADDITION, some the above factors are being "tweaked" daily. Not only are the "weights" of the factors changed, but the formula itself changes. Change is the only constant.

An algo change can boost or demote your site. I put this in the negative factors section, because your position is never secure, unless of course, you are huge (PR=7 or greater). If you simply cannot achieve top position, your only alternative to first page SERP exposure may be Google Ad Words (you pay for exposure).

Today, I searched for an extremely competitive "2-word term", and I found that NOT ONE of the top ten Google SERPs had even one of the words on the page.
Today's theory - when it doesn't matter, anybody can get #1 in a second, if they know the on-page rules. BUT, after a certain "commercial competitive level", the "semantic analysis" algo kicks in, and less becomes more. The keyword density rules are flipped upon their noggins. I think that we are witnessing the evolution of search engine anti-seo sophistication, right before our very eyes. Fun stuff.